Mailing list members are people that have subscribed to a certain list to receive regular emails, such as weekly newsletters. In case the software application that is used to administer the mailing list allows it, you can also authorize mailing list members manually, but in this case such messages may be considered as being unsolicited and reported as spam by the recipients. Traditionally, these members can unsubscribe from a list by clicking a hyperlink in the email messages they get, or you, being the mailing list admin, can manually delete them if they request this or in case you decide that some of the members should not belong to the mailing list anymore. Each member will be able to view only their own address in the "To" section of the email messages they get, but not the email addresses of the remaining mailing list members.

Mailing List Members in Website Hosting

Administering the members of any electronic mailing list created in a website hosting account with us will be astonishingly easy. We rely on a feature-rich piece of software called Majordomo – one of the most widely used applications for setting up and managing mailing lists out there. It will allow you to add, to remove or to see all the subscribers by simply sending an email message to Newly included users need to verify their membership, so you can’t simply enter an email address and start sending regular email messages to it using a mailing list without the user’s explicit consent. In case you experience any problems, we have a comprehensive instructional article in the Email Manager section of the Hepsia Control Panel that comes with each shared hosting account, as well as a 24/7/365 customer care team, which will assist you with any questions in regards to the mailing list features.

Mailing List Members in Semi-dedicated Hosting

If you order a semi-dedicated server through our company and you create electronic mailing lists through the Hepsia Control Panel’s Email Manager section, you will be able to manage all your subscribers without difficulty. We provide one of the most widely used mailing list clients called Majordomo. It will permit you to see all your mailing list subscribers, to add new or to delete existing ones by sending a message to the mailing list’s administrative email address, so you can manage everything without even logging in to your hosting Control Panel. Needless to say, only you, as the mailing list admin, will be able to achieve this. New members will have to approve their subscription, so the emails that you send out will be legitimate and you won’t need to worry about email messages being reported as spam. We also have a handful of instructional articles where you can discover more info about how to administer the mailing list.